Theme Tropical Medicine


PROGRAM (Accreditation requested from CVAH, NIV, NVMM, NVK, NVDV, NVTG, LCR)

7:15 PM - Coffee
7:40 PM - Introduction by Martin Grobusch
7:45 PM - Martine Caris; Leiden UMC
'Title': "A Lytic Liver Cyst"
8:00 PM - Arjan van Laarhoven; Radboud UMC
'Title': "Abdominoplasty in the Dominican Republic"
8:15 PM - Ruud Duijkers; UMC Groningen
'Title': "An Orange Invasion from Eritrea"
8:30 PM - Renée van Bentum; UMC Groningen
'Title': "What Happens in Uganda, Stays in Uganda?"
8:45 PM - Coffee
9:00 PM - Jochem Esenkbrink; Isala Zwolle
'Title': "TB or Not TB: An Unexpected Passenger in the Neck"
9:15 PM - Lente Blok; NWZ Alkmaar
'Title': "Pit Stop in the Hospital"
9:30 PM - Mick de Vogel; Rotterdam UMC
'Title': "A Shocking Presentation – Just by the Book"
9:45 PM - Martina Mocking, Amsterdam UMC
'Title': "Unexpected Guest on Curaçao with Far-reaching Consequences"
10:00 PM - End of Clinical Evening

Date and Location

Time From 7.40 pm to 10.00 pm
Duration 2.20 hours
Start date Thursday, May 30, 2024
Location AMC, Lecture Hall 4

Costs and registration

Register by emailing Please include your name and BIG number.