Theme ImmunoMetNet



  • Nienke Goedhart: title tbd (AII/CCA, Eric Eldering & Arnon Kater lab AMC)
  • Rike Gorki: Sphingomyelins contribute to metaflammation by activation of macrophage TLR4 (ACS, Jan Van den Bossche lab, VUmc)
  • Iosifina Foskolou: The two enantiomers of 2-hydroxyglutarate differentially regulate cytotoxic T cell function (AII, Sanquin)
  • Frouwkje Politiek: Title tbde (AGEM, Hans Waterham lab, AMC)
  • Chiara Montironi: Leukemic cells suppress T cell function by inducing pseudohypoxia and autocrine purinergic signaling (CCA/AII, Arnon Kater & Eric Eldering lab, AMC)

What can you expect from ImmunoMetNet?

  • Low-key interactive meetings with immunometabolism-focused presentations by “young” Amsterdam UMC researchers from distinct disciplines across at least 5 Amsterdam UMC research institutes
  • Every 2-3 months (aiming for last Tuesday of the month from 4 till 6 pm)
  • Drinks and snacks to fuel ImmunoMet-Networking
  • Sharing expertise, tools and samples across Amsterdam UMC, with immunometabolism as the unifying factor.

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 18:00
Duration 2 hours
Start date Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Location Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Vrijzaal, Voetenplein

Costs and registration




Twitter: @immunometnet

Organizing committee ImmunoMetNet AMS series

  • Jan Van den Bossche (VUmc)
  • Merel Rijnsburger (VUmc; AGEM/Neuro)
  • Chun-Xia Yi (AMC; AGEM/Neuro)
  • Laszlo Groh (VUmc; ACS/AII)
  • Helga Simon-Molas (AMC; CCA/AII)
  • Eric Eldering (AMC; AII/CCA)
  • Jeffrey Kroon (AMC; ACS/AGEM)