Theme Symposium on the occasion of the emeritus of Prof. Maarten Boers


Methodology / Outcome measures: Robert Landewé | Mahsoem Ali | Wieneke Mokkink | Rutger Dahmen | Maarten de Wit
Glucocorticoids in rheumatology: René Westhovens | Marieke ter Wee | Willem Lems | Linda Hartman | Abdullah Almayali | Hans Bijlsma

Date and Location

Time From 10:00 to 15:00
Start date Thursday, December 15, 2022
Location Auditorium of the VU main building (De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam).

Costs and registration

Registration (before December 5) via this link.

The greatest gift for Maarten is your presence on this day.
If you are still considering a gift, please consider donating to 'Stichting Vluchteling'.
