Theme Migration and Health


Hosted by the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development and the Joep Lange Institute.

With millions of people constantly on the move around the globe, whether due to war, famine, or simply in search of a better life, migration has become everyone’s reality. Migration impacts many aspects of life, shapes world events, and prompts political debates. One element of migration that is less often discussed is its relation to health. Migration and health encompass a variety of topics from non-communicable and communicable diseases to mental and psychological health, affecting host populations, the population of origin, and future generations.

The symposium will feature speakers from distinctly varied backgrounds, disciplines, and approaches, and as a collective, they will provide an extensive overview of the challenges surrounding migration and health in 2022.

Further details on the event, including speaker announcements and location, will be added in the future.

Date and Location

Time From 13:00 to 16:00
Start date Thursday, November 3, 2022
Location VU New University Building De Boelelaan 1111 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Costs and registration

The symposium is free of charge, you can register here.
