On June 7th, the annual Amsterdam UMC soccer tournament took place. The AI&I support staff assembled a team of eight players—Aram, Fenna, Leanne, Maurits, Mauro, Sait, Stella, and Tine—from various affiliated departments. They entered the tournament under the name “B cellona,” inspired by one of the greatest soccer teams and their field of research.

Upon arriving at the FC Abcoude complex, the atmosphere was lively with nostalgic songs playing, drinks flowing, and the sun setting on a perfect summer evening. Excited to play, B cellona faced the department of I.C.T. in their first match. Despite the enthusiasm, the team was unorganized and had no warm-up. Tine, a hockey goalkeeper, valiantly defended the goal, supported by passionate fans Olga, Marcel, and Marga. However, the relentless attacks from I.C.T. soon took their toll. After I.C.T. took the lead, their score quickly escalated. Despite Tine's stunning saves, the opponents increased their score to 5-0.

Despite the loss, the upbeat music kept the players dancing, and as our turn for the BBQ approached, spirits remained high. The delicious food and warm sunlight re-energized the team for the second game against the CCA. They returned to the field in the same fashion as before, but the quickness of the opponent’s forward player put B cellona behind once again, trailing 1-5. However, the team managed to score once, and as players found their positions and enjoyed the game, they began to play soccer the “B cellona” way. This led to a remarkable comeback, with Sait and Tine both scoring hat tricks to secure a 7-5 victory.

After a short break, B cellona played the third match against the department of Surgery. Facing an evenly matched opponent, an enjoyable back-and-forth game unfolded, showcasing wonderful teamwork. Despite a 3-1 loss,B cellona had found their rhythm, which they planned to use in the last match against the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

During the break, the team let their stomachs settle while the opponents were just starting their meals. Noticing they were also ahead in their drinking game, the AI&I team realized they had a good chance to finish the tournament with a win. Demonstrating excellent passing and positioning, they won the match 3-1, securing second place in the group.

B cellona stayed for snacks and drinks while watching the finals. The grand finale, held late in the evening, featured live commentary by two sports commentators who could have doubled as comedians. Trophies were then awarded to the winning teams and most valuable players, and everyone was invited to join the closing party of the AMC tournament. It was a wonderful day with a fantastic atmosphere among all participants. Great sportsmanship was shown by all teams, and B cellona is excited for the next edition!