Please note:

The Technician Grant has been merged with the Workvisit Grant for the year 2024 and is now open for applications.

More info about this grant for 2024 you can find here

The call for 2023 is closed


To stimulate technicians within the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases to visit a research facility elsewhere to learn/acquire new techniques/skills/knowledge, valuable to the research within AII.

Target group

Technicians working at research groups that are part of the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases (AII registered PI and technician).

What can be applied for

A total budget of 5000 euro for visits that start before November 2023 with a duration of 1 to 4 months that aim to acquire/learn new techniques/knowledge valuable to the research within AII.

Eligible costs include: Travel costs (economy class) to and from the hosting site, (lab)-consumables and rent. Only completed application forms are eligible for evaluation.

Eligibility criteria

  • The technician must be working ata research group that is part of the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases (AII registered PI and technician).
  • A visit that starts before November 2023 with a duration of 2 weeks to 4 months with the aim to learn/acquire new techniques/skills/knowledge, valuable to the research within AII.
  • For the total budget of 5000 euro eligible costs are: travel costs (economy class) to and from the hosting site, (lab)-consumables and rent.
  • Only completed application forms are eligible for evaluation.

    Evaluation criteria

    • Motivation of candidate to visit the selected site
    • Work plan
    • Letter of recommendation of the supervisor
    • Added value for AII (a new collaboration or new technique)
    • CV candidate

     The evaluators provide a score from 1-3 per item.

    Application procedure

    Send the completed application form together with your CV and letter of recommendation of your supervisor to before May 1st 2023.

    You can download the application form here:

      Selection procedure

      The AII grant committee will evaluate the applications based on the aforementioned criteria. The evaluators provide a score of 1-3 per criterion. Provided the quality of the applications are above threshold, a maximum of 2 applications will be granted in 2023.

      Detailed information about the reviewing procedure:

      • All reviewers use the form spread by the AII management team.
      • The proposals will be reviewed by the AII grant committee.
      • Based on the score form a ranking will be created which serves as a basis to grant the stipends.
      • The AII directors make the ultimate decision, based on the ranking provided by the AII grant committee, on the applications to be granted.
      • The deadline for the directors to approve the ranking and decide on the (number of) granted proposals will be in June 2023.
      • Award emails and rejections are sent to the applicants by the Management team.

      Requirements after obtaining the Technician Grant

      • Refer to the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases when communicating about this grant, e.g. in the (social) media
      • Send us a picture of you in front of the institute you visit and/or together with the other lab members in the lab
      • Send in a completed cost claim form with the original tickets and receipts attached within three months after your return
      • Send in a short report on how the work visit has helped you to obtain new techniques valuable to AII. Also suggestions to improve the grant are welcome.

      Conflict of interest

      Evaluators with a conflict of interest are exempt from the evaluation procedure. For example, a conflict of interest is identified when the evaluator is the supervisor of the applicant. Evaluators can also indicate there is a conflict of interest for a specific application and will then not be included in the evaluation process of that specific application.
