The Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases has recently embarked on significant changes in its leadership, organizational structure, and strategic partnerships to amplify research focus and propel innovation in the realms of immunology and infectious diseases.

The Institute was founded in 2017 and organized into three research programs that encompassed a broad spectrum of research in three areas: Inflammatory Diseases, Infectious Diseases and Cancer Immunology. The institute has been led by two directors with the support of program leaders, committee leaders and policy advisors.

New organizational structure

As of 2024 the Institute has undergone a name change and is now referred to as the Amsterdam institute for Immunology & Infectious diseases (AI&I). Importantly AI&I has also been reorganized, now comprising two complementary programs: Immunology and Infectious Diseases. This restructuring aims to sharpen research focus, foster a sense of community, stimulate synergy within our scientific ecosystem, and bolster collaborations with strategic partners. Our strategic partners now include AIGHD (Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development), SHM (Stichting HIV Monitoring), GGD Amsterdam (the Public Health Service of Amsterdam), READE (a center of expertise for rehabilitation and rheumatology), and Sanquin (the national non-profit blood bank). Furthermore, each program has been delineated into four overarching themes and seven specific topics.

Mission, vision & core values

The Amsterdam UMC Institute for Immunology & Infectious diseases (AI&I) is dedicated to unravelling the complexities of the immune system in disease as well as healthy state and infectious diseases. We aspire to be a globally recognized hub of pioneering research and innovation, driving science forward and enhancing human well-being and health.


Our mission is to foster groundbreaking research, stimulate innovation, and translate discoveries into tangible benefits for human health. We do so by empowering and leveraging the specific strengths of our two scientific programs, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, while also fostering synergy between these programs and connecting with our strategic partners and other institutes.


Our vision is of a world where science transcends boundaries, where infectious diseases no longer pose insurmountable challenges, and where in-depth immunological insights in inflammatory processes, autoimmune diseases and cancer lead to new horizons through novel clinical interventions.

Core values

  • Pioneering Research: We drive groundbreaking research initiatives.
  • Passion & Creativity: We approach our work with passion and creativity.
  • Trust, Integrity & Transparency: We uphold the highest ethical and scientific standards.
  • Empower Young Scientists: We support and nurture the next generation of researchers.
  • Diversity: We value diversity and inclusion.
  • Collaboration: We encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork.

Directors of AI&I