Target audience Interested researchers
Language English


14:00: Welcome and opening
Karin Gerrits – Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation research VU Amsterdam/Merem;
14:10: Getting a clinical innovation into practice: An introduction to implementation strategies
Annelies Visser and Marian Smeulders, Implemention experts Amsterdam UMC;
14.35: Custom made footwear for people with diabetes: From design to use in daily practice!
Renske Keukenkamp - PhD candidate, Amsterdam UMC, Tessa Busch-Westbroek – Rehabilitation physician, Amsterdam UMC, Jan Pulles – Senior orthopaedic shoe technician, Livit;
15.10: The upscaling of a Dutch Transmural Trauma Care Model: Challenges and opportunities
Julia Ratter - Physiotherapist and PhD candidate, Amsterdam UMC, Boj Mirck - Trauma surgeon, NWZ Alkmaar, Jolanda Miske – Head of paramedical service, NWZ Alkmaar;
15.45: Coffee Break;
16.15: C-Mill implementation: steps to follow and obstacles to avoid
Melvyn Roerdink – Associate Professor Technology in Motion, VU Amsterdam, Guido van Werven – physical therapist, Reade;
16.50: TOP program: the road from research to usual care
Martine Jeukens-Visser - Senior researcher, Amsterdam UMC, Esther van der Heijden – Children’s physiotherapist and teacher;
17.25: Closing;
17.30: Drinks.

Date and Location

Time From 14:00 to 17:30
Start date Thursday, January 19, 2023
Location De Veranda | Amstelveenseweg 764 | 1081 JK Amsterdam
January 19, 2023, 14:00 - 17:30 hrs., followed by drinks.

Costs and registration