Overall Aim
The program Rehabilitation & Development aims to optimize physical performance of individuals, including children, with musculoskeletal injuries, neurological disorders and chronic diseases affecting movement abilities. Movement is sub-served by our musculoskeletal system, which relies on the neural, endocrine, immune, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems that control and support it. The interactions of these systems are studied, to reveal how physical performance can be maintained.
The consequences of these disorders become apparent at the three WHO-ICF levels of functioning:
- impairments in function of body structures (tissues and organs),
- limitations in functional activities,
- restrictions in participation in society.
Translational research comprises all these three levels and their interrelationships to understand and improve movement, mobility and physical performance in the context of personal and environmental factors.
Interventions cover:
- surgery;
- pharmacological interventions;
- cognitive and motor learning and training strategies;
- assistive devices;
- (care giver) support.
Precision diagnostics of movement impairments, based on etiology, will be developed to personalize therapies that restore, adapt, or support the neuro-musculoskeletal system to optimize the restoration, development and preservation of movement abilities and physical performance.
The research addresses
- the biological mechanisms underlying declines in physical performance and the effect of interventions preventing/reducing these declines;
- diagnosis and prediction of declines in physical performance and the underlying impairments;
- efficacy and (cost-)effectiveness of interventions to prevent/reduce declines in physical performance.
Themes that are covered
- Rehabilitation addresses pathologies that affect the musculo-skeletal and central and/or peripheral nervous system resulting in movement impairments, associated disability at Function, Activities and Participation levels. The focus lies on stroke, multiple sclerosis, movement disorders/Parkinson’s Disease, neuromuscular diseases, hospital-acquired disorders, and diabetic foot disease
- Development addresses the normal motor and musculoskeletal development of children during growth into adulthood and the development of children with disorders. The focus lies on cerebral palsy, premature born infants, scoliosis, and connective tissue disorders.
Program Board
- Professor dr. Sicco Bus, Amsterdam UMC, location VUm (Progam director);
- Dr. Erwin van Wegen, Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc (Program deputy director);
- Professor dr. Annemieke Buizer, Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc;
- Dr. Fieke Koopman, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC;
- Professor dr. Thomas Janssen, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam / Reade;
- Dr. Karin Gerrits, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam / Merem;
- Elza van Duijnhoven, PhD candidate, Amsterdam UMC, location AMC;
- Simone Berkelmans, PhD candidate, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU Amsterdam / Reade;
- Impact manager RehabNet Amsterdam: Vacancy.
Program Members
Alessandra Monti
Alessandro Vicentini
Alfred BeckingPROF.DR.
Andreas Daffertshofer
Anke Mennen
Annemieke BuizerPI PROF.DR.
Annerieke van GroenestijnMD
Annick Ledebt
Annoek LouwersMSc
Barend van Royen
Bernadette van Wijkdr.
Boas Wijker
Carel MeskersPI PROF.DR.
Chantal HulshofBSc MSc
Chantal van der HorstPI Prof. PhD
Charlotte LameijerDR.
Claudia Emck
Daniëla Dettling-IhnenfeldtPT
Edgar PetersPI DR. Associate Professor
Edwin Geleijn
Eefje Muselaers
Elvira Amaral GomesMSC.
Elza van DuijnhovenMSc
Eric VoornPhD
Erik Scherder
Erwin van WegenPI DR. M.S. Drs. Human Movement Science
Esther van der Heijden - Groen
Eva Hoogendoorn
Frank BloemersPROF.DR.
Frans NolletPI Prof. MD PhD
Gaia van den Heuvel
George Buijs
Gerrit KwakkelPI PROF.DR.
Gijsbertus VerkerkPhD
Guido Geusebroek
Hanneke de VriesPROF.DR.
Herman HoltslagMD PhD
Hilde PloegerPhD
Ingrid Kouwijzer
Isabella Gigante
Isaline EijssenDR.
Ivo Lutke Schipholt
Iwan DobbePhD
J. de Langeprof.dr.
Jaap HarlaarPI PROF.DR.IR.
Jaap van NettenPI PhD
Jana Tuijtelaars
Janneke Schilder
Jelte Bos
Jennefer ZwaferinkBSc
Jessica Warnink - KavelaarsMD
Joke GeytenbeekDR.
Joost van den Dool
Josien Douw-van den NoortDR.IR.
Juliana Sabelis
Juul van Grootel
Karin GerritsDR.
Katinka van der Kooij
L. Duboisdr.
Larissa Heideman
Laura BonouvriéDR.
Lisa Vossen
Lisette Krot-Bijker
Liza van Dijk
Lotte Hardeman
Maaike Kragting
Maarten Afschrift
Maarten VehmeijerDRS.
Marco RittPROF.DR.
Margot Aalders
Margriet MullenderPI PROF.DR.
Margriet van Doesburg
Marie Otten
Marije Lieke Sophie Sleijser-Koehorst
Marijke de Leeuwerk
Marijke TrappenburgDRS.
Mario MaasPROF.DR.
Marjolein van der KrogtPI DR.
Martine Jeukens - VisserPhD
Martinus RietbergDR.
Mattijs AlsemMD
Meghan Koop
Melvyn Roerdink
Merel BrehmPI DR. PhD
Michel Coppieters
Mirjam de HaartMD PhD
Miryam ObdeijnDR.
Moira van Leeuwen
Nadia Dominici
Nicolaas WatervalMSC.
Niels Klop
Rachid Saouti
Rafael de Andrade Muchaxo
Rein Miedema
Renske KeukenkampMSc
Richard JaspersDR.
Rijk DersjantDRS.ING.
Rimke Lagrand
Robbert van Amstel
Roland Reezigt
Ruud Koster
Sicco BusPI Prof. PhD
Siem Dingemans
Simone Berkelmans
Sina David
Sonja de Groot
Sophia KoopmanMD PhD
Stein Exterkate
Tatiana Oud
Tessa Busch - Westbroek
Thomas Janssen
Tim VenemanMSc
Tulika Nandi
Victoria Milbourn
Vincent de GrootPI PROF.DR.
Wendy Scholten-Peeters
Wessel van der SteenMD
Wypke de Boer