
Symposium of the Association of Amsterdam UMC PhD
Candidates (ASAP)

On the 28th of November 2024, this year for the first time in collaboration with the Amsterdam UMC postdoc network. This symposium is specifically targeted on and open for professionals dedicated to supervising and supporting early-career researchers, and therefore not open for PhD candidates or postdoctoral researchers.

In previous editions, we explored and discussed the well-being of PhD candidates and the sustainability of the PhD system with a lively panel debate and engaging conversations, which led to valuable insights and ideas (Aftermovie 2023).

Please join us on November 28th, 2024, from 15:00 to 18:30, as we continue to explore important topics concerning the wellbeing and needs of early career researchers, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers, including topics such as work-life balance and social safety. As a Principal Investigator of Amsterdam UMC, your input would be greatly appreciated, and we highly value your presence at this exciting and significant event.

Organizers: Leah Wilk, Oscar Brito Fernandes, Annemiek ter Wee, Maria Dede and Pablo Stegerhoek
On behalf of ASAP and Postdoc Network Board Members

Date and Location

Time From 15:00 to 18:30
Start date Thursday, November 28, 2024

Costs and registration

Please let us know if you can join us on this day by sending an email to