At APH's Annual Meeting, held on Novemebr 21st, APH granted 6 APH Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Booster Grants each having a value of maximum € 5,000 to APH researchers. The APH DEI Booster Grant 2023 is a grant to encourage educational projects, scholarly research, creative endeavors, and professional activities that promote APH's and its DEI committee’s goals on promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in our research, the academic work environment and beyond. At the end of the conference day, 6 winners were selected based on random selection.

APH DEI Grant winners

Lisanne Kouwenberg - Patient-inclusivity in healthcare sustainability research

Tessa Bergman - Information meetings about end-of-life care for Turkish and Moroccan older people

Corine Oldhoff-Nuijsink - Pilot research panel with vulnerable citizens to promote digital health research

Judith Mollet - A fair compensation for study participation, to enhance inclusivity and diversity of our research

Yasaman Vali - Enhancing equity in diagnostic testing: a protocol for inclusive healthcare in hepathology

Sagar Nagaraj Simha - Research stay: developing safe, fair and inclusive AI for decision making in ICUs across the world

APH DEI Grant nominee list

Amber Meulenbeld - Ferritin measurements from HELIUS Biobank to assess donor eligibility criteria across ethnic groups

Anil Ori - Boosting inclusive research: mapping representation in Dutch genetic cohorts

Anna-Marie Leemeyer - Enhancing inclusivity in diagnosing vertigo: breaking language barriers and encouraging diversity and equity

Anouk Wouters - BBBB: Boosting the education project Buddies Breaking Barriers for medicine students from a minority background

Bianca Fortuin - Giving underrepresented children and their parents a bigger voice in preventive youth health care through focus groups

Bianca Strooij - Patient Council 2.0: towards a more diverse representation of patients

Bryn Hummel - Pilot study for the implementation and evaluation of culturally-sensitive cardiovascular disease-information provision

Casper Martens - Including the perspectives of young adults with differences in sex development/intersex condtions

Channah Osinga - One size does not fit all caregivers of people living with dementia with a Moroccan immigrant background: the adaptation of STAR online to a culturally sensitive informal caregiver intervention

Charlotte Andriessen - Better type 2 diabetes treatment for everyone? Looking beyond the surface

Charlotte F.J. van Tuijn - Dutch nurses leading the way: enhancing cultural competence through training educational materials

Claudia Dictus - Diversifying voices in participation by co-developing a health app with adolescents: SmartCHANGE project

Corine Oldhoff-Nuijsink - Pilot research panel with vulnerable citizens to promote digital health research

Donna C. E. Beerda - Boosting my recruitment strategy to include underrepresented groups through the development of better recruitment materials and participant engagement

Dorinde Korteling - Including children with chronic disabilities in shared decision making

Eefje Sizoo - STRIDE - Survey on decisions regarding care and finances for older adults

Fabienne van Vliet - Including participants with varying educational levels for cognitive endurance capacity assessments

Fenna van Ommen - Work visits and course attendance to enhance research focused on work participation of unemployed and work-disabled cancer survivors

Fiorella Huijgens - Organizing a symposium at the coming International Shared Decision Making conference which highlights the contributions of people whose voices are not typically heard at international conferences

Haiyue (Fiona) Shan - Co-Creation for pandemic preparedness: innovative scenario-based simulations with underserved groups

Hana M. Broulikova - Timely dementia diagnosis in people with migration background

Hanneke Merten - Diversity and equity in patient safety research

Ihsane Bouaouida - Advancing diversity and equity in exploring parental roles in children’s digital media use

Ilse Visser - Focus group interviews for local community perspectives on childhood trauma in Bonaire

Indra M. B. Melessen - To prevent language barriers to become the barrier to participate in scientific research

Isabelle Vullings - Informative session about dementia for persons with dementia and their caregives

Jentien Vermeulen - Diversifying psychosis research and care: mind the Bijlmer

Joshua van Apeldoorn - Adding ethnicity to SCORE2 cardiovascular risk prediction models - the HELIUS study

Judith Mollet - A fair compensation for study participation, to enhance inclusivity and diversity of our research

Lana Kluit - Enhancing care for working patients: Possibilities to promote equity from within the hospital

Lisanne Kouwenberg - Patient-inclusivity in healthcare sustainability research

Marije Hagendijk - Making the Value@WORK outcome set more comprehensible for all patients with cardiovascular disease

Marlinde van Dijk - Improving accessibility of the lifestyle front office for marginalized groups through comprensible communication

Marloes E. Derksen - User-centred design of an interactive, performance-based digital health literacy tool

Melissa van Dorp - Botanic garden meeting of the PAR project "I will stand by you"

Mirthe Muilwijk - Ethnic differences in type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands; data linkage HELIUS and ANHA

Mohammad Azizmalayeri - Equity matters: overcoming challenges to attend US scientific events

Myrna Westerveld - A boost for more inclusive research in the Netherlands and the Caribbean

Nessa Millet - Boosting representative participation in the AFFIRMRelationships project through stakeholder involvement

Patricia Jepma - The inclusion of nursing assistants within the University Network for Care for Older Persons (UNO Amsterdam)

Ruth van Holst - Inviting researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa to attend the 2024 Current Advances in Gambling Research Conference

Sagar Nagaraj Simha - Research stay: developing safe, fair and inclusive AI for decision making in ICUs across the world

Sarah van den Berg - Organizing a symposium focused on health disparities in pediatric respiratory diseases

Selina Limmen - Enhancing the KLIK PROM portal to stimulate patient empowerment in pediatric physical therapy

Selma Musters - Inclusive dissemination of the ARTIS-1 study findings to patients and families who participated in a family involvement program

Shalina Saddal - Enhancing diversity and inclusion in research on employment in people with Multiple Sclerosis

Soukaina el Jaouhari - Culturally sensitive ranking exercises for persons with dementia and migration background

Sterre van Haeringen - Building inclusive and fair models: how to ensure equity in research on juvenile delinquency

Taryn Vosters - Taking the bias out of kidney function estimates

Tessa Bergman - Information meetings about end-of-life care for Turkish and Moroccan older people

Tessa van Gastel - Raising awareness about supporting women with bleeding disorders through animated media

Thomas Engelsma - Improving usability testing methods for people living with MCI or dementia

Virissa Lenters - Building capacity for DEI in APH: A diversity of voices in environmental health research

Yasaman Vali - Enhancing equity in diagnostic testing: a protocol for inclusive healthcare in hepathology