APH each year reserves budget to support, mostly junior and mid-career, researchers to travel to an international congress, symposium or to visit a research group abroad. The research programs aim to invest in talent development of early career researchers by providing this opportunity. Goals are to share knowledge internationally and to increase the academic network of junior and mid-career researchers.

Each APH research program annually awards part of their budget to travel grants among its affiliated researchers. Requirements for funding and the availble budget difffers per research program.

Awardees are asked to write a short travel blog on their experiences abroad:

Societal Participation & Health

At the APH annual meeting 2022, Nina Zipfel was awarded one of the Booster Grants. This grant offered the opportunity to create an engaging animation video, showcasing the objectives of the Value@WORK research project. Value@WORK aims to improve work-focused healthcare by identifying patient-centered work-related outcomes and optimizing communication and collaboration across the work-focused and curative care sectors. Check out the animation via this link!


In 2023, Mathilde Verdam received a Methodology travel grant for a research visit to Prof. Rick Sawatzky and his research group at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). Their collaborative research focusses on the development and evaluation of novel methodologies for equitable people-centered health measurement (EPHM).

Read more about her visit in the document below.

Global Health

Last fall, Sneha Kotian received the APH Booster Grant at the APH annual meeting. This grant enabled her to undertake a field visit in South Africa. Her current case study aims to prioritize population-based antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance, employing data-driven approaches to inform both sub-national and national efforts.

Read more about her visit in the document below.

Aging & later Life

Eline Kroeze received the APH Aging & later Life travel grant to attend the International Conference on Integrated Care in Belfast

Read more about her visit in the document below.

Amber Boots received the APH Aging & later Life travel grant to attend the Annual Meeting 'Organization of Human Brain Mapping' in Montréal.

Read more about her visit in the document below.

David Neal received the APH Aging & later Life travel grant to attend the International Psychogeriatric Association conference in Lisbon this year, from 29th June to 2ndJuly.

Read more about his visit in the document below.

Health Behaviors & Chronic Diseases

In 2022, Tessa van Deelen (PhD Candidate Amsterdam UMC) received the APH Booster grant at the APH meeting. The price enabled her to attend the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco conference held in the United States.

Read more about her visit and research in the document below.

In 2022, Laura Belmon received a HBCD Travel grant. The research visit was an addition to an existing European project ‘GrowH! Growing up Healthy!’, which aims to promote healthy behaviors among children aged 9 to 12 years old.
Read more about her visit and research in the document below.

Quality of Care

In 2022, QoC awarded Susan Oudbier (PhD Candidate at Together Digital, Amsterdam UMC) a travel grant which allowed her to visit one of the countries that relates to the International Partnership for Health Informatics Education (IPHIE), das Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg. Read more about her visit and research in the document below.

In 2022, QoC awarded Saskia Bogers (PhD candidate Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases at Amsterdam UMC) the travel grant. Bogers visited the academic hospital in Paramaribo, Suriname (AZP) with the aim to support local infectious disease specialists with a research project on the implementation of indicator condition guided testing for HIV in the hospital setting in Paramaribo, Suriname. Read more about her visit and research in the document below.

Personalized Medicine

In 2022 PM awarded Annelieke Muller (PhD candidate, Paediatric Metabolic Diseases at Amsterdam UMC) the travel grant. Muller present her research at the 2023 International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Research Conference in Washington, D.C., USA. Read more about her visit in the document below.

In 2022 PM awarded Anne Landvreugd (PhD candidate, Biological Psychology at Amsterdam UMC) the travel grant. Landvreugd visited the Behaviour Genetics Association (BGA) Annual Meeting in Murcia, Spain. Read more about her visit in the document below.

In 2022 PM awarded Daphne Boucherie (PhD candidate, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at Amsterdam UMC) the travel grant. Boucherie visited the OHBM conference in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Read more about her visit in this news article.

Mental Health

Anouk Verveen received the APH Aging & later Life travel grant to visit an in-person meeting of the Collaborative on Fatigue Following Infection (COFFI) in Oslo, Norway.

Read more about her visit in the document below.

Marketa Ciharova (PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology at VU Amterdam) visited the 11th scientific meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Read more about her visit in this news article.

Erika Kuzminskaite (PhD candidate, Psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC) visited the 35th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress in Vienna, Austria. Read more about her visit in the document below.

Elke Elzinga (PhD candidate, Psychiatry at Amsterdam UMC and 113 Suicide Prevention) visited the 19th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Read more about her visit in the document below.