The Health Innovation School Amsterdam is a unique training program that brings together 50 forerunners from across the health and welfare domain. Together, you will learn to innovate more effectively (systematically) in order to contribute to better health for all Amsterdam residents, among other things. During the HIS you gain new knowledge and inspiration, build an impactful network and learn by doing: with action projects you apply knowledge and methods to current issues in the city. The themes of Innovation & Transformation, Collaboration and Personal Development are central to this edition. HIS is bursting with exchange, interactive learning formats and interesting speakers. This is something you don't want to miss!

For whom

The HIS is for innovation leaders-to-be. This does not have to mean that you have or aspire to a formal management position. You have at least 5 years of work experience and are motivated to contribute to (system) change. You regularly run up against the boundaries of current systems and domains and want to make more impact together with others. You work in or for the health, welfare and care sector in the Amsterdam region.

Practical information

The HIS lasts for six months. From January 2025 to the beginning of July 2025. The time investment averages one half-day per week. That is approximately 168 hours. Part of this time consists of training days and work sessions. These are at set times and mandatory. The rest of the time is spent on self-study and action projects in small teams. You plan this yourself and in consultation with your fellow HIS'ers. Amsterdam UMC is a partner of the HIS. Therefore, people employed at AUMC do not have to pay a participation fee. You can apply until November 20, 2024 at the latest.

More information about the program, the application process and results of previous editions can be found on the HIS website (in Dutch).

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