ERA-EDTA is an association of physicians with more than 9.000 members. It is registered in England and Wales, but its area of activity mainly covers Europe and the Mediterranean area. The objects of the Association are the advancement of medical science by promoting fundamental and clinical advances in the field of nephrology, dialysis, renal transplantation, hypertension, and related subjects. APH researcher Kitty Jager (rofessor of Medical Informatics & Kidney Epidemiology at Amsterdam UMC) received this years' ERA-EDTA award for outstanding clinical contributions to nephrology.
Her research has focused on the prevalence and progression of CKD and the frequency of Kidney Replacement Therapy with focus on international differences and sex differences; and on the relationship of public health aspects and nephrology practice patterns with patient outcomes. She is part of the Editorial Boards of 4 indexed nephrology journals. Finally, she organized and lectured in almost 40 international CME courses in epidemiology for nephrologists and hosted 37 visiting nephrology researchers from 20 countries.