In the context of major changes in the healthcare system, research of the Quality of Care research program (QoC) aims to optimize quality of care for individuals and groups of patients, covering the complete life-cycle of people.

Program support: Inge van Strien-Knippenberg

We aim to optimize quality of care to make healthcare more patient-centered, sustainable, and available for everyone

Our “DNA”

Our identity
As researchers, we feel involved in contributing to the quality of care by conducting excellent scientific research. Integrity, innovation and quality of our research are of key importance. We share the drive and responsibility to have societal impact. We do this by initiating, executing, valorizing and implementing research. Our mission and motivation bring us together and give color and a common purpose to our joint activities. Our program is unique because of its broad support base and multidisciplinary approach to improve the quality of healthcare.

Our ambition
Our ambition is to monitor and improve the quality of healthcare through scientific research and by training the researchers and healthcare professionals of the future. Together we conduct high quality research to 1) optimize the quality of care for patients throughout the entire life cycle, 2) make healthcare more patient-centered, sustainable and available to everyone, and 3) deploy healthy healthcare professionals. We take ethical issues and legal aspects into account in all our activities. In doing so, we enable mutual connections between researchers so that they can reinforce, inspire, stimulate and collaborate effectively in their research activities.

Mission and goals

In the Quality of Care research program solid research is performed aiming to optimize quality of care for individuals and groups of patients, to make healthcare more patient-centered, sustainable, and available for everyone and taking ethical issues and legal aspects into account.

We do this by: (1) improving Quality of Care across disciplines (e.g. internal medicine, acute care, surgery, ophthalmology, midwifery, ear-nose and throat, palliative care, genetics); (2) improving management of care, via implementation, supporting communication and the utilization of remote (e-health and m-health) care, and multidisciplinary teams, and (3) monitoring (patient-specific) outcomes (e.g. quality of life, patient safety) and societal impact.

Program leaders

Research themes

The Quality of Care research programs roadmap 2020-2023 comprises the following themes:


The main goals of the ‘Research’ domain focus on internal collaboration and cohesion, and on the promotion of national and international visibility and consolidation. We strive to continuously enhance the connection/collaboration between QoC researchers, but also with researchers from other institutions. In addition, we aim to develop and execute joint research proposals. To gain more national and international visibility we aim to stimulate the organization of (international) conferences, and to increase scientific output by QoC researchers.


The main goals of the ‘Society’ domain focus on connecting projects to societal themes, consolidate QoC as an active societal organization, and strive for (inter)national acknowledgement for being a societal relevant organization.

Implementation and valorization

The goals of the ‘Implementation and Valorization’ theme focus on developing and establishing QoC expertise. In addition, we aim to encourage and ensure private and public collaboration.


You can download the grants overview of 2024 here:

Year calendar 2024

Month Day Activity
Information about 2024 events will follow soon

The QoC Eet while Meet lunches (free of charge) are held every three months with the idea to enable mutual connections between QoC researchers, to reinforce, inspire, stimulate and collaborate in research activities.

Senior program council

The program leaders of the Quality of Care research program chair the QoC Senior program council. This senior program council consist of a selection of senior researchers of the research program who meet regularly to implement or update the research program-specific strategy and to discuss anticipatory or reactive response to external events.

Senior program council members
Carla van El Michele van Vugt
Mirjam Fransen Adriana Zekveld
Oscar Brito Fernandes Jeroen Hermanides
Natalie Evans

Junior program council

The Quality of Care research program has installed a QoC Junior program council that provides program leaders with solicited and unsolicited advice and helps them with the organization of research program-specific activities or events.

Junior program council members
Siham Azahaf Georgios Soultanopoulos
Lotte Jansen

Research program members