APH's networking afternoon was held in Theater de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam. The theme of the day was ‘Sustainability’. As sustainability is becoming more and more important in our changing world, APH has set-up sustainability goals for the future. The UN climate change conference being held in the United Kingdom in the same week underlines the importance of this theme. APH Director Martine de Bruijne opened the meeting and shared APH’s ambitions on this theme for the coming years. She presented some examples of current research and initiatives of APH researchers on the topic of sustainability.
A view from space on sustainability
We were delighted that astronaut André Kuipers provided an inspiring keynote presentation about the challenges we are facing in developing and maintaining a healthy and sustainable living environment. As an astronaut he spend 204 days in a spaceship, which made him the best man to share his views on sustainability and the earth from space.
When looking at Earth from space it became clear to him that we live on a small planet in a big and dark universe; Earth is in fact itself a ‘spaceship’ with limited supplies. New technologies – from recycling to satellite Earth observation – are needed to ensure a good future for all of us.
Besides showing satellite pictures of the rapidly changing earth, he shared his experiences in preparing for his space mission, showed remarkable aspects of daily life on a spaceship, and amazed us with all knowledge he has and the enthusiastic way of telling us about it. In sum, he provided us a glimpse into a world that neither of us knew about. Thank you André for this interesting and inspiring keynote presentation!
We closed the meeting with drinks and delicious appetizers in the beautiful Oosterhuiszaal of Theater de Rode Hoed. During this gathering already new collaborations and initiatives arose concerning the important sustainibility research theme.
For an impression of the networking afternoon, please watch the aftermovie:
Recording of keynote presentation
If you are an APH researcher who was not able to join the networking afternoon and wants to watch the keynote presentation? The recording can be viewed until December 9. To access the recording please send a request to aph@amsterdamumc.nl