
Focus of research

Eva Meier is a PhD candidate at the Ethics, Law & Humanities department at the Amsterdam UMC. Her research focusses on the ethics of digital health technologies, ranging from telemonitoring to innovations in pharmacogenetics. Eva Meier has a bachelor’s degree in Health Policy & Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, which is a multidisciplinary program focusing on socio-medical sciences, policy sciences and economics. She obtained her master degree in Health Economics, with a thesis (being prepared for publication) consisting of a cost-effective analysis of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in the Dutch population. Eva Meier combines her quantitative background with interest of ethical implications that come along with digital health technologies. With her interdisciplinary background she actively engages in collaboration with medical informatics experts and clinicians. Eva Meier is a board member of the PhD association 'ASAP' of the Amsterdam UMC.