In the Personalized Medicine research program (PM) the healthcare responsiveness to the cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, and psychological, metabolic and genomic diversity in the population is studied to optimize prevention and treatment, including reduction of side-effects, by ‘tailoring’ to the diversity in individual characteristics.

Program support: Bryn Hummel

We aim to increase attention to the cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, gender, genetic and psychological diversity in the population

Mission and goals

The Personalized Medicine research program aims to increase attention to the cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, gender, genetic and psychological diversity in the population and to people’s social identities.

With the combination of ongoing (bio-)technological developments and the perceived need for person-centered decision-making, medicine has now arrived in an era where more customization is both needed and possible. Personal genomes, information on subtypes of diseases, and individual characteristics and preferences can guide stratification and personalization in healthcare.

In the future we can fine-tune the healthcare system, especially in primary care and public health, offering stratified approaches wherever possible, and personalizing where needed, while normative (ethical and legal) aspects will be addressed.

Program leaders

Research themes

Mapping Diversity in Healthcare Needs

We will study diversity in (future) healthcare clients, at different levels (personal, interpersonal, institutional, and societal) and in different settings, and analyze the relevance for health, prevention, and healthcare.

Risk Profiling

We will study risk profiling, classifying and stratifying patients and other clients, to predict benefit or harm from diagnostics and interventions (including pharmacogenomics and population screening programs).

Stratified Interventions

With research partners within the Amsterdam academic alliance, we will systematically develop, implement, and evaluate guidelines and interventions that build on and effectively respond to biological and social axes of diversity, including genetic factors and intersectionality.

Training for Diversity

We will contribute to how future healthcare professionals can be better trained to be receptive and effective to differences in patient diversity, presentation, needs, and goals, for example by improving care providers’ skills in Shared Decision Making.

Special Interest Groups

In 2022 the Personalized medicine program has started with Special Interest Groups, aiming to stimulate collaboration on three specific topics: Patient centered care, Responsible innovation in personalized medicine and Intersectionality.

Patient centered care

From the patients perspective we aim to connect researchers who are concerned with the development and implementation of Patient reported outcomes, Shared decision making and/or Positive health.

Responsible innovation in personalized medicine

Responsible implementation of new technologies requires research on ethical values, legal frameworks and consequences for different aspects of existing diagnostics and treatments in (public health) care. Within the Personalized Medicine program we stimulate study of the Ethical, Legal and Social issues resulting from new technologies, in order to set the right frameworks for responsible innovation.


Mapping diversity in healthcare needs and training for diversity have always been key topics for the Personalized Medicine research program, which are now bundled in the special interest theme: intersectionality.

Senior program council

The program leaders of the Personalized medicine research program chair the PM Senior program council. This senior program council consist of a selection of senior researchers of the research program who meet regularly to implement or update the research program-specific strategy and to discuss anticipatory or reactive response to external events.

Senior program council members
Wonu Akingbuwa Marieke Bak
Susanne Vijverberg Marieke Blom
Agnies van Eeghen Irene van Valkengoed

Junior program council

The Personalized Medicine research program has installed a PM Junior program council that provides program leaders with solicited and unsolicited advice and helps them with the organization of research program-specific activities or events.

Junior program council members
Menno Maris Nadia van Silfhout
Esther Bührman Anil Ori
Dennis Klose

Research program members