The registry is part of the international TREAT Registry Taskforce. Atopic eczema is a common (400,000 patients in the Netherlands) chronic, itchy, inflammatory skin disease that can have a major impact on the quality of life of children and adults and their immediate surroundings.

Moderate-to-severe atopic eczema patients can be treated by means of phototherapy or systemic immunomodulating therapy. Of these mostly off-label applied therapies, there is insufficient evidence on the short and long term for the effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, good comparative research and long-term real-life follow-up data are lacking. With the arrival of new expensive treatments it is crucial to get insight into these treatments in order to improve quality of care.
You can find more information on the TREAT NL registry website (in Dutch).
APH contact persons: Phyllis Spuls, Angela Bosma, Annelie Musters, Ariƫnna Hyseni