Implementation is a trending topic in the Netherlands. Below are key Dutch organizations and websites that offer valuable resources and contacts to help you develop and apply implementation knowledge and expertise.


Nederlands Implementatie Collectief |

ZonMw implementatie | implementatie voor kennisbenutting ZonMw

Trimbos-instituut Centrum voor Implementatie |

Newsletters and memberships

Want to to stay up-to-date on the latest news and activities related to the Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science (AmsCIS)? Drop us an email.

Nederlands Implementatie Collectief (NIC) | Word lid | Nederlands Implementatie Collectief (NIC)

ZonMw | Nieuwsbrief Translationeel Onderzoek |

European Implementation Collaborative (EIC) |

The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) | Implementation and Scalability SIG member |


On the NIC website, you can find an overview of all the educational programs, trainings, and courses in the field of implementation and innovation.