Welcome to the APH Implementation Science Knowledge Hub

This knowledge hub provides you with a quick overview of interesting tools, resources and guidance to support your first steps into the world of implementation studies and practices. This includes a wide range of materials from journal articles, books, journals, newsletters, (online) courses, upcoming events, websites and video presentations. This implementation science knowledge hub is brought to you by the Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science (AmsCIS).

Chapter overview

About the Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science

The Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science (AmsCIS) envisions effective and efficient integration and embedding of evidence-based practices in Public Health through evidence-informed implementation, to ultimately achieve better health(care) for all.

Our vision

To realize this vision, AmsCIS will see it as its mission to:

- Provide public health researchers with knowledge, skills, and tools about implementing research-based knowledge into practice and policy;

- Increase awareness among public health researchers of the importance of effective implementation and sustainable uptake of research-based knowledge into practice and policy throughout the research lifecycle;

- Contribute to state-of-the art research in the field of Implementation Science and become a leading research center on implementation science in Europe.

What we offer

Alongside various activities, we provide implementation advice, host a Journal Club, and conduct 'Yes, We Can!' sessions. Additionally, we offer comprehensive education modules. Explore our full range of education modules below:

  1. Implementation in your Research Proposal/Study Design
  2. Stakeholder Engagement
  3. Tailoring Implementation Strategies to Determinants
  4. Designing a Process Evaluation
  5. Scaling up & Sustainability
  6. De-Implementation

To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate, we plan to repeat these education modules either once a year or once every two years.

AmsCIS in relation to Amsterdam Public Health (APH) research institute

AmsCIS is embedded in Amsterdam Public Health (APH) research institute. As a research institute of Amsterdam UMC, VU and UvA, APH is an important link between clinical care, scientific research and the extramural care practice and policy in the Amsterdam metropolitan area, as well as beyond Amsterdam (both national and international). Much of the research that is carried out within the institute potentially has a direct impact on public health practice including quality of care, policy, and society.


Want to learn more about AmsCIS? Subscribe to our newsletter for insights into our education modules and other activities. Alternatively, you can download our AmsCIS Plan, which includes our mission and vision statement, rationale, core activities, communication, positioning in APH and governance and resources and financial aspects.

Email: aph.amscis@amsterdamumc.nl

AmsCIS managing board: Femke van Nassau (chair), Andrea Thoonsen (secretary), Nina Zipfel, Christiaan Vis, Esther Bisschops, Annicka van der Plas, Mireille Dekker – van Oijen, Anouk Groenewegen, Miriam Schutte and Iris van der Horst .

AmsCIS advisory committee: Martine de Bruijne, Han Anema, Michiel Wensing Margriet Mullender and Pauline Goense.