Theme Immunometabolism
Target audience Anyone interested


Join the next Amsterdam UMC - ImmunoMetNet meeting on September 24th at location AMC (Costerzaal).

Please register using this link so we can provide drinks & bites accordingly.


  • 4 pm - Yumna Butt, PhD student at the group of Iosifina Foskolou, Sanquin | Role of m6A RNA metabolism on T cells
  • 4:30 pm - Nina Mezgec Mrzlikar, PhD student in the group of Joep Grootjans, VUmc | Metabolic profiling of human peritoneal macrophages to find novel treatment targets for peritoneal metastasized cancer.
  • 5 pm - Beatriz Fernandes Corte-Real, postdoc in the group of Jan Van den Bossche, VUmc | The Metabocode: characterization and modulation of TAM subsets’ metabolism
  • 5:30 pm – Daan Kloosterman, PhD in the group of Leila Akkari, NKI | Macrophage-mediated recycling of cholesterol-rich myelin debris fuels brain cancer malignancy
  • Drinks and bites to fuel immunomet-networking

We are happy to welcome our first speaker from NKI, and we consider inviting speakers and attendees from NKI if there is a shared interest for this.

Further information:

Organizing committee ImmunoMetNet AMS series

  • Jan Van den Bossche (VUmc)
  • Helga Simon-Molas (AMC)
  • Iosifina Foskolou (Sanquin)

Date and Location

Start date Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Location Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Costerzaal