The proposal of €12.030 was submitted for the purchase of a Conditioned Pain Modulation (CPM) equipment consisting of a refrigerated circulator cold water, with a digital algometer (Somedic type II). The Conditioned Pain Modulation test measures the efficacy of descending pain pathways. The clinical value of CPM is that it provides a measure of the brain’s capacity to activate endogenous analgesia, which is important to prevent persistence of pain. Insight into factors underlying persistent and chronic pain, and into working mechanisms of treatments that aim to prevent or reduce pain and resulting disability. It may help to find suitable and tailored interventions. The equipment is suitable for use within the AMS programs Musculoskeletal Health and Rehabilitation & Development as it can be used to assess for example the neuro-musculoskeletal mechanisms underlying low back pain, neck pain or diabetic foot neuropathy, and the program Tissue function and Regeneration due the potential relation with neuroinflammation.
June 4, 2021