NWO has awarded a Veni grant of up to 320,000 euros to 10 promising researchers from Amsterdam UMC, including APH researcher Josjan Zijlmans! The laureates will be able to further develop their own research ideas over the next three years.

The Veni is a personal scientific grant awarded annually. It is part of the NWO Talent Program and is aimed at researchers who have recently obtained their PhDs. In total, NWO awarded 174 Veni grants to a selection of excellent researchers.

Josjan Zijlmans, Research Associate in Mental Health, has received a Veni grant for his study: helping traumatized youth talk with psychedelics. Post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents can have lifelong consequences if untreated. Current therapies do not always help, as talking about trauma is difficult. This study investigates whether psychedelic therapy is suitable for adolescents, how it can help them, and whether the effects differ from those in adults.

Read about the 10 researchers who received a Veni grant (intranet, dutch).