We are happy to announce that Emiel Hoogendijk, assistant professor at the Department of Epidemiology & Data Science and the Department of General Practice of Amsterdam UMC, has been appointed as Amsterdam Cohort Hub’s (ACH) new project manager, succeeding Theo van Iperen.​ Emiel will take up his role from November 1 onwards and will combine his new role with his work as a researcher.

Emiel holds a PhD in Medicine from VUmc, where he performed his PhD research on care for frail older people at the Department of General Practice & Elderly Care Medicine. After obtaining a Veni grant, he established his own research line on challenges for healthy aging, such as frailty, sarcopenia and malnutrition. Currently, he is part of the research group of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), and he is involved with various (international) research projects on physical and cognitive functioning of older adults. He works, amongst others, as senior researcher for the H2020 I-CARE4OLD project on care for older adults with complex chronic conditions.

​Through his long-standing work for the LASA cohort, Emiel is familiar with the challenges cohort studies face and with the opportunities collaboration between cohort studies can bring. His experience with leadership roles in the LASA study together with his project management skills, make him a great match for the job as ACH’s project manager.​

Read more about Emiel Hoogendijk’s research interests on the Amsterdam UMC research website.