EpidM organises courses in epidemiological and advanced statistical methods and a Master’s Programme in Epidemiology (including international Winter Courses).The courses can provide important support in the design and analysis of your research.

EpidM organises courses in epidemiological and advanced statistical methods and a Master’s Programme in Epidemiology (including international Winter Courses). The courses can provide important support in the design and analysis of your research.

The dates of the courses for 2025 are now available and from now on you can register, see www.epidm.nl


For PhD students working on an Amsterdam Public Health (APH) project a discount of 25% applies to the course fee of all EpidM courses. A condition for obtaining the discount is that the research project is embedded in the research institute APH.

To arrange the embedding Scientific Quality Amsterdam Public Health (amsterdamumc.org)

Master's programme in Epidemiology

If you have plans to follow the entire Master's program in Epidemiology, I advise you to make an appointment with me. It is important to know that the entire study is in Dutch. The program starts on 8 September 2024.