"Thank you for your interest in our research." High digital visit at Amsterdam UMC. Her Majesty Queen Máxima was updated via Zoom on Thursday on the latest developments within the covid-19 research. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Amsterdam UMC together with other umc's has started hundreds of studies to gain insight into the virus, the course of the disease, the treatments and for the development of vaccines. Amongst others, board chairman Hans Romijn and infectiologist Joost Wiersinga updated the queen on the latest developments. Royal thanks "Great appreciation." Máxima said she was impressed by all the work that is being done. In this excerpt, she thanks everyone in the health care sector for their boundless dedication during this crisis. Her Majesty Queen Máxima was updated on the latest developments in the covid-19 research. In this clip, she thanks everyone in the care sector for their unstinting efforts during this crisis.
March 11, 2021