A selection of core activities of the committee is reviewing Training Plans (TP) designed by (VU/VUmc) PhD candidates and supervisors at the beginning of the PhD trajectory and checking Portfolio’s with the completed education activities at the end of each PhD trajectory. Moreover, the committee advises the APH Board of Directors about training, education, supervision and talent policy.
Who are we looking for?
- One or more enthusiastic PhD candidates or postdoc researchers
- Who have some spare time and want to contribute to the research institute
What are the tasks?
- Attend the committee meetings once every two weeks (1 hour)
- Prepare the reviews of Training Plans and Portfolio’s prior to the meetings (1 hour)
- Contribute to education policy guidelines within the research institute
- Work on research institutes’ specific (updates of) handbooks, guidelines or checklists
- Support with organizing (internal or external) PhD events
What’s in it for you?
- Contribute to the Education Quality within the APH research institute and the connected CaRe Research School
- Be a link between APH and the Amsterdam Student Association for PhD’s (ASAP)
- Be part of an enthusiastic committee, that meets for a social event once per year
- PhD candidate (VU/VUmc) can earn 2 EC’s per year for their 30 EC portfolio as committee member
Interested? Please send a short motivation to aph.phdcommittee@amsterdamumc.nl
We are looking forward to meeting you!
The APH PhD Education Committee
Maartje van Stralen, Trynke Hoekstra, Lisette van Leeuwen, Eefje Sizoo, Liselotte van Dijk & Danielle van der Laan