
Focus of research

Together with prof. dr. Erik Scherder, prof. dr. Han Houdijk and dr. Annick Ledebt, Jule Zuiderbaan developed the RCT ‘Moving, Music & CP’. The primary aim of the study is to investigate the acute effect of moderate intensive exercise (defined as walking) on neurocognitive functioning in people with CP. Approximately 50% of the people with CP experience (neuro)cognitive difficulties. Although numerous studies point to a positive relation between physical exercise and neurocognitive functioning, only a few have studied the effect of physical exercise on neurocognitive functioning in people with CP.

Because walking is always affected in CP and therefore more energy-consuming, the secondary aim of this study is to investigate the effect of music on gait and endurance. By synchronizing the beat of the music with step timing during walking, it is examined if spatio-temporal parameters of gait change. It is also examined if walking can be sustained longer when walking with music compared to walking without music. With the RCT ‘Moving, Music & EF’, we will also be able to examine the (supposed) differences between TD and CP.

For more information please visit our website: www.bewegenopmuziekcp.nl