Focus of research
Patient Safety, Quality of Care, Safety-II
As a PhD candidate, I focus on improving medication safety in Dutch hospitals. A central component of my research is to analyze healthcare processes in daily practice and to make suggestions for improvement. To examine each process thoroughly, I include healthcare professionals and patients in my research.
My research is focused on daily practice and everything that goes well in healthcare. This is called the Safety-II perspective. Central question from this perspective is: “How can we manage and learn from the absence of incidents in healthcare?” A useful tool I use for mapping work as it is accomplished within the reality of daily practice is the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM).
The healthcare process I am focused on is medication reconciliation at discharge. By conducting my research, I hope to ensure a safe transition from hospital to home for all patients.
I am an external PhD candidate at Amsterdam UMC. My main appointment is at Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research).