Cardiothoracic Surgery
Aortic Pathology
Genetics of Aortopathy
Focus of research
My research primarily centers on the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying thoracic aortopathies, including thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA) and dissections (TAD). I aim to bridge the gap between preclinical research and clinical application, with a strong emphasis on the translational potential of my findings.
A significant focus of my research involves the comprehensive genetic analysis of patients with thoracic aortopathies. This includes the identification of novel genetic variants and the elucidation of their roles in the disease process. By leveraging advanced genomic technologies, my studies aim to uncover the genetic underpinnings of these conditions, particularly focusing on the interaction between genetic predispositions and environmental factors.
In addition to my genetic and molecular studies, I have co-developed the TRAIN Health Awareness Platform. This innovative program focuses on targeted cardiovascular risk modification by providing lifestyle interventions for the prevention of cardiovascular risk factors. The platform combines personalized health education with practical tools to enhance patient engagement and compliance, ultimately aiming to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.
I am committed to the practical application of my research findings to develop improved diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for patients with thoracic aortopathies. My translational approach involves close collaboration with clinical geneticists and cardiologists to create genetic screening protocols and explore potential therapeutic targets, enhancing patient care and informing future research directions.
Moreover, I am deeply involved in mentoring the next generation of researchers, supervising clinical and fundamental postdocs, PhD students, and master students. My dedication to education and research excellence is reflected in numerous publications, international presentations, scientific funding, and contributions to scientific advisory boards.
Overall, my research interests lie at the intersection of clinical genetics, molecular biology, and translational medicine, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for patients with thoracic aortopathies through innovative research and collaborative efforts.