The Research & Expertise Center in Pharmacotherapy Education (RECIPE) was founded in 2013 and is the world’s first expertise center in research and education of pharmacotherapy. RECIPE is linked to the Amsterdam University Medical Centers and has over 60 active members including 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 11 physicians, 7 PhD candidates and 40 medical students. RECIPE collaborates closely with several national and international organisations, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) and the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Center Lareb.

Meet Recipe

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About us

Our mission Our focus Our Solution
Our mission is to enhance rational prescribing among doctors, dentists and nurse specialists. Our focus lies on the cognitive process of selecting the right drug for the right patient at the right time. Our solution is evidence-based under- and postgraduate teaching and training in clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.