24 Results found
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  • Alzheimer & dementia
    Alzheimer & dementia Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia. Alzheimer Center Amsterdam aims to find ways to discuss, treat and cure Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Read here about our latest insights and activities.
  • Amsterdam UMC
    Amsterdam UMC As being a large organisation, Amsterdam UMC has thousands of employees working on the four core tasks: high-quality patient care, innovative scientific research, education and valorisation to reach societal impact. What is going on in Amsterdam UMC, take a look!
  • Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence technology empowers us to see more and predict better. Data sets that were previously too large or time consuming to analyze can now be included in clinical decisions. Read more about our activities and insights on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Awards, grants  & gifts
    Awards, grants & gifts Our world-leading specialists push boundaries in different ways. The awards, grants & gifts received by a number of our professionals are evidence of the (inter)national recognition of their important work .
  • Biobank & liquid biopsy
    Biobank & liquid biopsy Body materials (and their storage in so called biobanks) are increasingly important for medical researchers. Studying them empowers researchers to enlarge insights and develop possibilities. With the consent of patients we collect and store natural human liquids like blood and urine. Read more about our activities and insights here.
  • Brain &  Psychiatry
    Brain & Psychiatry How to treat patients with disorders originating in the brain like for example Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerose (MS), autism, learning problems or depressions? Experts of Amsterdam UMC want broaden the knowledge of the human brain and nervous system, and to translate this into effective therapies and treatments. Read about our latest activities and insights.
  • Cancer
    Cancer Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. Cancer Center Amsterdam experts aim to create groundbreaking new possibilities for patients with cancer. Read about our latest insights and activities on cancer.
  •  Cardiovascular  Diseases
    Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular failure is the most frequent cause of hospitalization in Western societies. We work toward preventing and curing cardiovascular diseases. Read about our activities and insights on cardiovascular diseases.r .
  • Children &  youth
    Children & youth In Amsterdam UMC's ' Emma Kinderziekenhuis' children are treated with prevalent and rare, complex, acute, rare and/or chronical conditions. Parents are inimately involved in a treatment. .