Successful second edition in 2024

    Thinking back to Friday, 8 March, we are happy to conclude that the Amsterdam UMC PhD Science & Awards Day was very successful

    Many thanks to all colleagues and PhD candidates that have made this day possible. Special thanks for the organizing team of the Science Part, Aynur Azizova, Bing Wang, Claire van Vliet & Paola Tello Valverde, all being PhD candidates as well

    Prizes to be awarded during the SAD 2025

    Winners of these Amsterdam UMC awards will be presented during the afternoon program

    Congratulations to all awards winners 2024!

    Different juries have been appointed for all different prizes. The entries appeared to be of a high level. This applies for the Scholarships, but the other juries were also impressed by the high standard of the posters, the publications, the theses and the thesis designs

    Best PhD Poster

    Lotte-Henrique-Annet-Parisa-Siyu-Jeanet-Sherif-Eva (Merel and Rada are not on the photograph)

    • First prize: Annet Heijerman
    • Second prizes went to both Henrique Nogueira Pinto and Lotte Jansen
    • Incentive prizes were awarded to Eva Cohen, Merel Koster, Jeanet Karchout, Parisa Mapar, Rada Veeneman, Sherif Bayoumi, Siyu Zhou

    Best PhD Publication
    • First prize: Yasaman Vali
    • Second prizes went to both Alex Lipov and Lianne Mulder


        Best PhD Thesis
        • First prize was awarded to Tjitske Zaat
        • Second prizes to Eric Ettema & Marije Wijnberge

        Tjitske-Tamar Smulders (replacing Marije)-Eric

        Best PhD Thesis Design
        • First prize: Marije Wijnberge
        • Second prizes for both Bo Bet & Leah Wilk

        Leah-Tamar Smulders (replacing Marije)-Bo

        Five PhD Scholarships were awarded to:


        • Bastiaan van Tol
        • Dachel Seeratan
        • Jard Mattens
        • Myrthe Simon
        • Rianne van der Burgt

        Questions? Remarks? Please send an email to the Doctoral School

        More information: