DPR is a subsection of the Department of Medical Psychology of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, headed by professor Frank Snoek. Our research activities are embedded in the Amsterdam school of Public Health (APH).
 Our mission is to study the complex interaction between psychosocial factors and diabetes and help patients and professionals achieve optimal health outcomes.

About us

Our focus is on three research themes:

  1. Understanding the psychosocial impact of diabetes and its complications on patients living with diabetes as well as significant others;
  2. Understanding of psychological barriers to optimal self-management, including beliefs, psychological distress and social factors;
  3. Development, evaluation and implementation of psycho-educational and psychological interventions for people with diabetes and those at high-risk of developing diabetes.




The psychological measures listed here can be downloaded for your information. All the questionnaires were developed and validated for use in diabetes patients. If you are interested in using one of the scales in your research or clinical practice, feel free to contact us on m.dewit@vumc.nl.

Use of our measures is free of charge for non-profit and academic researchers. We ask commercial users a fee.  See: User agreement.
The need to sign a user agreement for commervial users applies only to the following questionnaires: CIDS, D-FISQ, DSC-R, ITAS.

The questionnaire is made available after having received a signed copy of the user agreement.

User agreement questionnaires Diabetes Psychology Research group

The need to sign a user agreement for commercial users applies only to the following questionnaires: 

  • CIDS
  • D-FISQ
  • DSC-R
  • ITAS

The questionnaire  is made available after having received a signed copy of the user agreement. 


Confidence in Diabetes Self-Care / Vertrouwen in Diabetes Zelf-zorg

Dutch version available 
A measure of diabetes-specific self-efficacy, developed for use in adult insulin-treated diabetes patients

Van der Ven NCW et al. The Confidence in Diabetes Self-Care Scale, Diabetes Care 2003; 3: 713-718.

Versions for non-insulin treated (type 2 diabetes) is available (CIDS-2) and youth (CIDS-Y) . For the latter, please contact Dr. M de Wit



A 15-item measure of fear of self-injecting insulin and self-testing of blood glucose for use in diabetic adults.

A pediatric version of the D-FISQ is available. Contact: Jill Simmons

Reference:Mollema ED et al. Diabetes Fear Of Injecting and Self-Testing Questionnaire, Diabetes Care 2000; 6: 765-769.  



Diabetes Symptom Checklist - Revised

Dutch version available

A 34-item measure of diabetes-related symptom distress for adults with type 2 diabetes. 
Available in multiple languages. Contact: proqolid


  1. Grootenhuis PA, et al , Development of a type 2 diabetes symptom checklist: a measure of symptom severity. Diabet Med 1994; 11(3):253-261.
  2. Arbuckle R et al., Psychometric Evaluation of the Diabetes Symptom Checklist-Revised (DSC-R)-A Measure of Symptom Distres
Problem Areas In Diabetes Scale

Dutch version available

A 20-item measure of  diabetes-related distress for use in adults with diabetes. 
Available in multiple languages. Contact: Garry.Welch@bhs.com  

A 5-item and 1-tems Short-Form of PAID have recently been developed and validated for quick screening.

Pediatric and Parent version of PAID are available. Contact: Jill Weissberg-Benchell at Lurie Childrens Hospital.


  1. Snoek FJ et al. Diabetes-Related Emotional Distress in Dutch and U.S. Diabetic Patients, Diabetes Care 2000; 23: 1305-1309.
  2. McGuire B et al. Short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress: the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID)-5 and PAID-1.


Patients' Evaluation of the Quality of Diabetes Care

Dutch version available

A 14-item measure of patient satisfaction with diabetes care.

Pouwer  F and F.J. Snoek . Patients' Evaluation of the Quality of Diabetes Care (PEQD): development and validation of a new instrument". Quality & Safety in Health Care, 2002, 11:131-136. 


For more information about research, visit amsterdamumc.org/research

For more information about research output registration, visit researchinformation.amsterdamumc.org


For more information about education, visit amsterdamumc.org/education

Patient Care

For more information about patient care, visit amsterdamumc.nl


For information about our researchers, visit amsterdamumc.org/en/research/researchers


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch): werkenbij.amsterdamumc.org


Do not hesitate to contact us for questions or comments at m.dewit@vumc.nl (Dr. Maartje de Wit) .