The Netherlands has a rich tradition of performing and learning from prospective cohort studies. The Netherlands Consortium of Dementia Cohorts is a collaborative project of teams representing various dementia-oriented cohort studies. Among these are population-based studies that examine risk factors for dementia and cognitive decline in the general population. One of these studies is APH's Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam.

Data from multiple prospective population-based cohort studies are combined and analyzed in this project, including the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), MAAS, the Doetinchem Cohort Study and the Rotterdam Study. State of the art longitudinal modeling techniques are applied on data from these cohorts to identify long term trajectories of cognitive functioning and to assess the contribution of a broad range of risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. In a series of steps, these data will be used to identify distinct population risk profiles and inform prevention and a public health strategy for reducing the burden of cognitive decline and dementia.

Because considerable effort is put into harmonization of data across cohort studies, the project will be an investment in infrastructure that may be used beyond the immediate NCDC project.

Researchers involved