Program support: Josephine Lindhout
We investigate how individual and structural factors can affect the quality of life of older people
Mission and goals
Aging & Later Life is a multidisciplinary, cross-departmental research program. We focus on aging (growing old), the older person (being old), and the last years of life using the concepts: Resilience, Quality of Life and Personalized care.
The idea of resilience - "the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity" - focusses on older people’s capacity for responding to specific age-related tasks and transitions. As such, resilience recognizes older people’s innate strength, without establishing an absence of problems as the norm for a good old age.
For many older people, full physical health is often unachievable. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t experience a good quality of life. As the Aging & Later Life research program, we investigate how individual and structural factors can affect the quality of life of older people.
There is a growing awareness of individual differences in health effects or treatment results, and of the influential factors at play. We want our research to help provide deeper insights into what kind of care works for whom, and when, i.e. personalized care. Central to the Aging & Later Life research program are scientific quality and social impact. We therefore value interdisciplinary approaches, and strife for active collaboration with other faculties, field partners and educational institutions, as well as with older people themselves.
Program leaders
Program initiatives
Grey power meetings
On June 1 , July 1 and September 14, 2021 (19:00-20:30 hrs) we organized three debate evenings for older people with the themes: loneliness, falling (vitality) and meaning & resilience. Each evening there were three invited speakers and one member of the A&LL client panel in the studio. The speakers presented the latest scientific knowledge on the field and afterwards they answered questions together with our panel member. The host for all the three evenings was Prof.dr. Julia van Weert, professor of Health Communication at University of Amsterdam.
The speakers for the theme loneliness were Dr. Bianca Suanet (Assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, Vrije Universitit Amsterdam), Prof. dr. Anja Machielse (professor of Empowerment of Vulnerable Older People at the University of Humanistic Studies) and Astrid van Ketel (Advisor Health and Wellbeing at GGD Amsterdam). This event took place on June 1. You can watch the recording here .
The speakers for the theme falls and vitality were: Prof. dr. Nathalie van der Velde, professor Geriatric Medicine, with focus on falls prevention at the Amsterdam UMC, Prof.dr. David van Bodegom, professor Vitality in an aging population at the Leiden University Medical Center and Drs. Saskia Kloet, project leader “Falls prevention in older people” at the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport and program manager at VeligheidNL.
The speakers for the theme meaning and resilience were Prof. dr. Martijn Huisman, professor Epidemiology of Aging at the Amsterdam UMC and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dr. Crétien van Campen, researcher on Quality of Life at The Netherlands Institute for Social Research and Elisabeth van Oostrum – member of Raad van Ouderen.
Urban Aging
The ambition of our research program is to work together with the city Amsterdam to develop an agenda for the next 5 years with innovation, research, technology and good education with respect to the aging population. With the aim to make impact for the older citizen of Amsterdam and perform (inter-)national innovative research.
Panel of older adults
To actively involve older people in our research, we started a panel of older adults. The persons in the panel will be asked to consult in research proposals, design, participation and communication of research results.
Senior program council
The program leaders of the Aging & Later Life research program chair the A&LL Senior program council. This senior program council consist of a selection of senior researchers of the research program who meet regularly to implement or update the research program-specific strategy and to discuss anticipatory or reactive response to external events.
Senior program council members | |
Anouk van Loon | Roeline Pasman |
Martijn Huisman | Marieke van Wieringen |
Suzanne Metselaar | Sanne de Wit |
Margriet Pol |
Junior program council
The Aging & Later Life research program has installed an A&LL Junior program council that provides program leaders with solicited and unsolicited advice and helps them with the organization of research program-specific activities or events.
Junior program council members | |
Eline Kroeze | Esther de Groot |
Sophie Renckens | Sara van de Schraaf |
Martijn van Dompseler | Iris Beijer-Veenman |
Isabelle Vullings |
Research program members
Aafke de GrootDRS.
Abraham GoorhuisPI MD PhD
Ad van NuenenBEng
Adriana FranckePI PROF.DR.
Agnies Marguerite van EeghenPI DR.
Ali Shukor
Alireza Malek Makan
Almar KokPI DR.
Amber BootsMSc
Ameen Abu HannaPI Prof. PhD
Andrea Maier
Anna Leemeyer
Anne Lubbe
Anne Marie VaalburgDRS.
Anne Timmermans
Annemiek HelmersMA MSc
Annemiek Linn
Annicka van der PlasDR. phd
Anouk van LoonDR.
anouschka Pronk
Astrid Preitschopf-van Gestel
Bagas Wicaksono
Barbara Groot-Sluijsmans
Barbara HuttenPI MSc PhD
Barbara MulderPI Prof. PhD
Ben De BockMA
Bianca Strooij
Birgit Damoiseaux - VolmanMSc
Bob van de Loo
Bregje Onwuteaka-PhilipsenPI PROF.DR.
Brigitte Boeser - NunninkBEng
Brittany Boerstra
Carlo Schuengel
Carmen van Dam
Cécile BootPI PROF.DR.
Cees HertoghPI PROF.DR.
Channah Osinga
Charlotte AlbersDRS.
Christien Muusse
Coen Coomans
Collin ExmannMSC.
Daniel van GrootheestDR.
David NealMSC.
Dennis VisserDRS.
Derk WillemsPI Prof. PhD
Didericke RhebergenPI DRS.
Djura CoersDRS.
Dorly DeegPROF.DR.
Eefje SizooDR.
Eline KooijmansDRS.
Eline KroezeDRS.
Emiel HoogendijkDR.
Emma DraperDRS.
Emma Reiss
Emma Twait
Eric van ExelPI PROF.
Erik van Spronsen
Erwin van Vlietdr. ing.
Esmee Kreuk
Esmee TensenMSc
Esther de Groot
Esther HartmanDRS.
Eva Jaarsma
Eva Leistra
Eveline van Poelgeest
Eveline Verheij
Ewout SmitDRS.
Femke RuttersPI DR. Associate professor, Principal Investigator and Principal Educator
Fenna EbbensPhD
Fenne Wouters
Francois SchellevisPI PROF.DR.
Franka MeilandDR.
Frederik HermansMD MSc PhD
Frederike BemelmanPI Prof. MD PhD
Gaby LunanskyDR.
Gary YeungMD
Godelieve de BreePI MD PhD
Haije WindProf. PhD
Hanna WillemsPhD
Hanne-Eva van Bremen
Hanneke Wijnhoven
Hans van der WoudenPI DR.
Hein van HoutPI PROF.DR.
Henriëtte van der HorstPI PROF.DR.
Hester Fidder
Huib van Waegeningh
Ilja ReintenMSc
Ine GerridzenMedical doctor PhD
Irene JongerdenPI DR. PhD
Irina Motoc
Iris Beijer Veenman
Iris van der Wulp
Irma MaurerBEng
Isabelle Flierman
Isabelle Vullings
Jacqueline HugtenburgPI PROF.DR.
Jakob Schroevers
Jan BaanPI MD PhD
Janet Vroomen - MacNeilPI
Jason van Heesewijk
Jasper Anink
Jeanine Rutten
Jelmer van SchoonhovenMSc
Jitske Vroom
Johannes RooversPROF.DR.
Jolanda Dobbe
Joost DekkerPROF.DR.
Joost Wammes
Josephine TanMSC.
Juliette ParlevlietPhD
Karel van DortBEng
Karlijn JolingPI DR. PhD
Kees Stijnis
Kelly de WildtMSc
Kelly PaapMSC.
Kim PloegmakersMSc
Kitty JagerPI Prof. MD PhD
Laetitia SmariusMD
Laura Grootegoed
Laura Schaap
Laura van BuulDR.
Lennaert ZwartDRS.
Leonie Westerbeek
Lieneke Glas
Liesbet Kurpershoek
Liesbet Kurpershoek
Liping Wang
Lisa Kolodziej
Lisa van Zutphen
Lizette WattelDRS.
Lotta SeppalaMSc
Maaike Muntinga
Maartje HoogsteynsPhD
Majon MullerPROF.DR.
Malene van SchaikPhD
Mandy SpaanPhD
Manon Vanbellinghen
Mardien OudegaDR. senior researcher MD, PhD, MSc
Marga Nieuwenhuijse
Margot Wagenmakers
Margreet Olthof
Marianne SnijdewindMSC.
Marieke HenstraDR.
Marije KoeleMD
Marije te Winkel
Marije VisPhD
Marijke BremmerDR.
Marijke TrappenburgDRS.
Marike de BoerDR.
Marike van der LeedenPI DR.
Marileen WiegersmaMSc
Marina EkkelMSC.
Marja DeplaDR.
Marjolein van Maanen
Marjolein VisserPROF.DR.
Marlies Dijk
Marre KaandorpDR.IR. dr.
Martijn HuismanPI PROF.DR.
Martin den HeijerPI PROF.DR.
Martin SmalbruggePROF.DR.
Martina Pontesilli
Martina Pontesilli
Masha Zee
Mathilde KarstenMEng
Matthan CaanMEng PhD
Matthan CaanMEng PhD
Maximilianus StekPI PROF.DR.
Melissa Resodikromo
Melissa ThongPhD
Merle Schene
Milou AngevaareDR.
Mircha Poldrugovac
Mirjam de VosPhD
Mirjam GeerlingsPI
Mirjam SprangersPI Prof. PhD
Monique JaspersProf. PhD
Najada Stringa
Natasja van SchoorPI DR.
Nathalie van der Velde
Neeltje KootstraPI PhD
Nicholas ChesnayePhD
Nicolaas KlazingaPI Prof. PhD
Nicole BillingyMSC.
Niek VersfeldDR.IR.
Nienke FleurenDRS. MD
Nihad Achetib
Nina FransenDR.
Noekie van LieshoutMSc
Noman Dormosh
Oscar Smeekes
Otto MaarsinghPI PROF.DR. Epidemiologist B PhD MD General Practitioner Associate Professor
Paul LipsPROF.DR.
Peter ReissPI Prof. MD PhD
Pieter AnnemaDRS.
Pieter EikelenboomPROF.DR.
Rebecca Painter
Rebekka Arntzen
Remco FranssenPhD
Rianne BoeninkMSc
Ricardo Wijngaarde
Rob de BiePI Prof. PhD
Rob van MarumPI PROF.DR.
Roderick Slieker
Roeline PasmanPI DR.
Roos van der PlasDR.
Rosalie Pronk
Ruth van NispenPI PROF.DR.
Ruth VeenhuizenPI MD, PhD DR.
Sanne de RuiterDRS.
Sara Groos
Silvia KlokgietersDR. PhD
Simone HendriksDRS.
Sophia KramerPI PROF.DR.
Soukaina El Jaouhari
Stephanie MedlockDVM PhD
Susanne de RooijPI PhD
Suzanne MetselaarPI DRS. DR.
Suzanne van AlmenkerkDRS.
Tessa Bergman
Tessa RoseboomPI Prof. PhD
Thomas D. SteensmaPI DR.
Thomas Engelsma
Vera Hogervorst - WlochaczBSc MSc
Vianda StelPI PhD
Vincent WekkerMD
Wendy den Elzen
Wesna Belimbegovski
Willem van GoolPI Prof. PhD
Wouter DreschlerPI Prof. MEng PhD
Xanthe de Voogd
Yvonne SimisDR.