

  • 19.15 Coffee
  • 19.40 Introduction clinical evening tropics by Martin Grobusch
  • 19.45 S. Meulenberg; UMC Groningen, 'Title: 'A blind passenger'
  • 20:00 M. Hendriks; Radboud UMC, Title: 'Togolese tropical fever'
  • 20:15 S. Kuiper; Leiden UMC, Title: 'A 'watery' gallstone'
  • 20.30 S.M. Hermans; Amsterdam UMC, Title: 'Met with a hiss and ended'
  • 20.45 Coffee
  • 21.00 T. Kerkman; OLVG/Amsterdam UMC, Title: 'A Jacques Brel inflection and a diagnostic riddle'
  • 21.15 C. Veenstra; Amsterdam UMC, Title: 'Fever and cold vibrations'
  • 21.30 C. van Deuzen; Rotterdam UMC, Title: 'A retired gentleman with an adrenal problem and gait disturbances'
  • 21.45 C. Stijnis; Amsterdam UMC, Tropical Center, Title: 'A rapidly growing problem'
  • 22:00 End of clinical evening

Date and Location

Start date Thursday, May 11, 2023
Location Amsterdam UMC, Location AMC, College room 4, Meibergdreef 9 Amsterdam. Entrance: head entrance AMC.
Walk in: 19:15
Start time: 19:40
End time: 22.00

Costs and registration

Registration: send the file below to including your name and big-number.

Accreditation requested from LCR, CVAH, NIV, NVMM, NVK, NVDV, and NVTG.

This event is free of charge.


Marga G. Kostelijk-Boerrigter | Management Assistent | Infectious diseases