Theme Clinical evening Tropical Medicine


19.15 Welcome with coffee/tea
19.40 Introduction to Tropical Clinical Evening by Martin Grobusch
19.45 V.T. Janmaat; Erasmus MC Rotterdam - A big surprise
20.00 R. Arts; Radboud UMC - A tropical headache file
20.15 L.E.A. Bank; Maastricht UMC - Parasites on the move
20.30 H. K. de Jong; Amsterdam UMC - The elephant in the room
20.45 Break with coffee/tea
21.00 P. Ellerbroek; UMC Utrecht - Fever in and from West-Africa
21.15 S. de Stoppelaar; Amsterdam UMC/ RIVM - Festive spots
21.30 R.A. van Bentum; UMC Groningen - Thee times is the right time
21.45 B.J. Visser; Amsterdam UMC/ OLVG - Three's a charm
22.00 End of clinical evening

Date and Location

Time From 19:15 to 22:00
Start date Thursday, September 15, 2022
Location Lecture room 4 of the Academic Medical Centre. Meibergdreef 9, Amsterdam. Entrance: Main entrance AMC.
The welcome with coffee/tea is from 7.15 pm onwards.
The programme starts at 7.40 pm and ends at 10 pm.

Costs and registration

Free of charge

Accreditation has been applied for at LCR and ABAN (see here who is included).

Participation is only possible after registering by sending this form, with name and bignumber, to
