Theme Optimised dosing of biologics
Target audience Drug developers, pharmacologists, policy makers, pharmacists and clinicians.


Programmed topics

  • Finding the therapeutic window; dose finding challenges
  • Clinicians’ perspective on optimized dosing schedules
  • Personalised dosing: reduction and stopping
  • What can we learn from anti-cancer biologics?
  • Sharing trade secrets; combine knowledge between biologics and diseases
  • Deeper understanding of the PK of biologics
  • Clinical pharmacology to enable the development of personalised/stratified medicines
  • Impact of antibody structure and pharmacogenetics on PK
  • Models for immunogenicity of biologics: how to prevent, how to handle?
  • The regulator’s view: ‘How much use is in the label’?
  • The pharmaceutical industry’s view on TDM
  • Point of care and dashboard applications in practice
  • Patient perspective on TDM

There will be a networking reception after the symposium.

Date and Location

Time From 9:15 to 17:00
Start date Friday, December 9, 2022
Location The Amsterdam Public Library | Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA) Oosterdokskade 143 1011 DL in Amsterdam
Five minute walk from Amsterdam Central Station to the venue. From Amsterdam International Airport there is a short direct train to Amsterdam Central Station.

Costs and registration

Industry delegates € 200,–
Physicians/Academics € 100,– * use code HBTDMsymposium50 to get a discount.
Phd students/Fellows € 50,–  *use code HBTDMsymposium75 to get a discount.
Prices are VAT inclusive.

Accreditation has been requested for: NVN, CGR, NVDV, MDL, NVR & ZA (pending)


If you have any questions, please contact 

Organising committee

– Dr. Floris Loeff, Sanquin, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
– Dr. Mark Löwenberg, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, the Netherlands
– Dr. Gertjan Wolbink, Reade and Sanquin, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Steering committee

– Prof. Geert D’Haens, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, the Netherlands
– Dr. Zoé van Kempen, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, the Netherlands
– Prof. Ron Mathôt, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, the Netherlands
– Dr. Theo Rispens, Sanquin, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
– Prof. Phyllis Spuls, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, the Netherlands
– Dr. Annick de Vries, Sanquin, Amsterdam, the Netherlands