Theme Immunotherapy in solid cancers


Prof. Dr. John Haanen - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital/Netherlands Cancer Institute

Dr. Haanen is a medical oncologist at the NKI-AvL. He works at the forefront of immunotherapy in solid cancers. His research line together with his clinical
studies has yielded important insights in the mode of action of different types of immunotherapy. Being a prime example from bench to bed side research, Dr. Haanen is at the forefront at developing and applying innovative treatment regimens. He has also brought novel treatment regimens into the clinic. For instance, Dr. Haanen has spearheaded the introduction of TIL therapy for melanoma in the NL, which is now included in the Dutch Health
insurance package.

Host: Monika Wolkers

Date and Location

Time From 13.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs
Start date Monday, June 26, 2023
Location Auditorium (Plesmanlaan 125, Amsterdam) or on-line.

Costs and registration

The lecture is followed by a masterclass for PhD students and postdocs.

  • 14:30-16:00 @Sanquin
  • Mail to:
  • Sign up required - limited space!