Theme Accelerating market introduction MedTech innovations
Target audience Researchers, entrepreneurs, doctors, students and investors


From 2 to 4 November 2022 the first edition of the MedTech Twente Week will take place. The success of the existing Techmed Event has been expanded into a broad, multi-day program for various target groups from the MedTech ecosystem. By bringing together stakeholders such as researchers, entrepreneurs, doctors, investors and other experts, the idea is to implement medtech innovations in a faster way. After all, it turns out that MedTech innovations are one of the most difficult and lengthy market introductions.

An overview of the events during the MedTech Twente Week 2022:

Wednesday, November 2: TechMed Event. The theme of this day is 'Connecting research and Innovation frontrunners'. Experts will share the latest scientific insights, medical innovations and high-tech solutions that will strongly influence future healthcare.

Wednesday, November 2, evening: Exchange Dinner. Where startups with a MedTech innovation meet and learn from already mature MedTech companies.

Thursday, November 3: MedTech Business Event. The program focuses on accelerating MedTech innovations. Participants will get to know possible sources of financing, facilities and a powerful network of healthcare parties, investors and researchers who can help innovations move forward. Send an email if you are an entrepreneurial researcher and would like to participate.

Friday, November 4: MedTech Talent Event. Talented students are paired in a unique way with medical technology and the companies behind it. The students will be working on challenges based on those faced by MedTech companies.

Friday, November 4: Robotics Summit 2.0. This symposium provides a platform for Dutch robotic surgeons, AIOS and operating assistants, nurses (specialists) and technical doctors to share and discuss their experiences with each other.

Date and Location

Duration 3 days
Start date Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Location Technical Medical Center, on the campus of the University of Twente

Costs and registration

Register using this link.


Joey Pals
T: +31 (0)53 – 489 1867 | M: +31 (0)6 - 48170765