Theme New developments in peer support for people living with HIV in the Netherlands.
Target audience HIV healthcare professionals, peer supporters & National HIV Alliance partners


Program Make peer support for people living with HIV the norm!

16:00 Walk-in

16:30 Welcome by chairman Febe Deug

16:35 Developments in peer support in the Netherlands.

  • Research and new materials. Maarten Bedert, researcher Amsterdam UMC
  • Peer support by the National HIV Alliance in the Netherlands. Reina Foppen, president Hiv Association
  • Public questions

17:05 Peer support in practice

  • Case stories of peer support projects by MARA Foundation (Karlijn Bunnig & Arline), ShivA Foundation (Edmund Owusu) and HIV Association (Freddy Oude Rikmanspoel & Sally Adjodhia).
  • Peersupport in Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Linda Scheiberlich (HIV counselor) and Jorgos Even (peer counselor).
  • Peersupport in Amsterdam UMC, Mirjam Schulpen (peer counsellor) and Marc van der Valk (HIV counsellor)

17:50 Peersupport as standard of care?

  • In conversation with the audience about opportunities and barriers to embedding peer support.

18:20 Summary and closing by the chairman of the day.

18:30 Soup and sandwiches

19:30 End

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 19:00
Start date Thursday, March 9, 2023
Location De Witte Vosch, Oudegracht 46, 3511 AG Utrecht

Costs and registration

Sign up: with mention of Peersupport
