Theme Annual meeting
Language English


A two-day event on December 14 (registration 09.00, party until 00.30) and 15 (registration 08.00, closing at 16.30) 2022.


The meeting will comprise presentations from 5 keynote speakers, the Van Loghem lecture, 9 invited speakers, Bright-Spark presentations, Thesis award presentation, oral presentations selected from abstracts and posters presentations.

First keynote speakers:

Muzlifah Haniffa (UK)
Claudia Kemper (USA)
Matteo Iannacone (Italy)
Tim Lämmermann (Germany)

Date and Location

Time From 09:00 to 00:30
Start date Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Location NH Leeuwenhorst at Noordwijkerhout (Langelaan 3, 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout)
Bus shuttle service from the train station Leiden CS to the venue NH Leeuwenhorst (on Wednesday and Thursday). Busses will only drive before and after the program.   

Costs and registration

More information about costs and registration can be found here.

Accreditation will be applied for at the NIV (Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging).


For more Information about registration, please contact the NVVI secretariat.

For more information on the NVVI Annual Meeting 2022, please contact the Congress secretariat (Karin Vonk).