Theme Type-2 immunopathologies: closing in on lymphocytes associated with severe, therapy-resistant disease


Guest lecture by Dr. Ralph Stadhouders
Assistant Professor, Erasmus MC, Dept. Pulmonary Medicine

“The mainstay treatment for type-2 immunopathologies such as asthma are corticosteroids. Unfortunately, still ~10% of patients present with a form of corticosteroid-resistant disease - for reasons that remain poorly understood. In this seminar, I will highlight our recent progress aimed at identifying and characterizing the immune cells subsets responsible for severe therapy-resistant type-2 inflammatory disease of the airways. These include the characterization of a new subset of steroid-resistant innate lymphoid cells (1), linking atypical cytotoxic T cell populations to severe asthma (2) and discovering epigenomic mechanisms controlling memory T cell recall that may be altered in severe asthmatics (3).”

1 – Van der Ploeg, Golebski et al. Science Immunology 2021 (PMID: 33514640)
2 – Van der Ploeg, Nature Communications 2023 (PMID: 37612281)
3 – Onrust-Van Schoonhoven et al. Science Immunology 2023 (PMID: 37418545)

Host: Monika Wolkers

Date and Location

Time From 1 pm to 2 pm
Duration 1 hour
Start date Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Location Sanquin Auditorium (Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX AMSTERDAM) and on-line
