Theme Anal cancer precursor screening & hiv
Target audience People living with HIV, Professionals, researchers, policy makers involved in HIV care and/or prevention, and General interested parties


In this webinar, Marc van der Valk (Amsterdam UMC, SHM) and Reina Foppen (HIV Association) will engage with table guests on the topic of anus cancer (AIN) screening and HIV.

The conversation will begin with a brief introduction on the current use of AIN screening in the Netherlands, focusing on the results of a recent study within the population of people with HIV in the Netherlands who were and were not screened for pre-stages of anus cancer.

Following this, a discussion with several experts on topics such as:

  • Why is AIN screening important
  • What does AIN screening involve
  • For whom is AIN screening useful (individual choice versus population screening)
  • What are practical experiences of screening
  • What does the future look like: comparing anus cancer (AIN) screening and cervical cancer (CIN) screening and vaccination

Table Chairs

  • Marc van der Valk, professor, internist-infectiologist, Amsterdam UMC location AMC and head of HIV outpatient clinic DC Klinieken Valeriusplein, Amsterdam; director director of the HIV Monitoring Foundation (SHM)
  • Reina Foppen, president Hiv Vereniging Table guest

Table guests

  • Ramon van der Zee, physician-researcher, PhD, training as a specialist in internal medicine, Tergooi MC Hilversum
  • Joep, expert by experience
  • Ron, expert by experience
  • Marc van Wijk, HIV nursing consultant, Jan van Goyen Medical Center, Amsterdam
  • Esther Kuyvenhoven, HIV nursing consultant, Amsterdam UMC site AMC

Date and Location

Time From 19:30 to 20:30
Duration 1 hour
Start date Thursday, June 1, 2023
Location Online

Costs and registration

Register here (free and anonymous if desired).