This grant is to support postdocs that were unable to finish their research project due to COVID.

“The AI&i Extension Grant helped me tremendously. It helped me (and my colleagues) complete several important analyses. Moreover, it gave me time to combine my research with my work in the Reade pharmacy.”
Renske Hebing
Read the story about Renske Hebing's MeMo study here.

Laureates AI&I Extension grant for Postdocs 2021

Name Department
Tom Groot Kormelink Experimental Immunology
Susanna Commandeur Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Renske Hebing Rheumatology
Anastasia Prokopi Medical Oncology
Kwinten Sliepen Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Joyce Lübbers Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology
Kornel Golebski Respiratory Medicine
Branka Popovic Hematopoiese (Sanquin)
Yme van der Velden Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention
Daniela van Santen Infectious Diseases (GGD)
Ellen Generaal Infectious Diseases (GGD)