This grant is to support young postdoctoral talent at the crucial stage in their innovative research towards successful future grant applications.
"The AI&I postdoc grant was instrumental in developing my research line and own lab. The work led to intriguing findings that I have been able to build on in subsequent grants – I’m very grateful to the AI&I for the support this funding provided at a critical research juncture.”
Vanessa Harris
Laureate AI&I Postdoc grant 2019

Laureates AI&I Postdoc grant 2023

Name Department Title research proposal
Mathieu Claireaux Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention Deep profiling of tumor-specific B cell immunity

Laureates AI&I Postdoc grant 2021

Name Department Title research proposal
Kornel Golebski Respiratory Medicine Understanding the role of unconventional inflammatory ILC2s in pathologies of the airways.
Kwinten Sliepen Medical Microbiology Membrane-bound E1E2 as template for hepatitis C virus vaccine design.

Laureates AI&I Postdoc grant 2019

Name Department Title research proposal
Alexander Speer Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Inhibiting the ESX5 secretion system as a novel Strategy to combat Tuberculosis.
Doortje Heemskerk Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Unravelling cranial blood vessel pathology in a Mycobacterium marinum- zebrafish infection model.
Louis Ates Experimental Immunology How mycobacterial virulence shapes protective and pathological immune responses.
Vanessa Harris Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine Translating the intestinal microbiome to improve rotavirus vaccine immunogenicity.
Marit Roemer Pathology (CCA) Mechanism of action of immunotherapy using a preclinical human Hodgkin lymphoma model.

Laureates AI&I Postdoc grant 2018

Name Department Title research proposal
Fabrizio Chiodo Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology Revealing bacterial carbohydrate-responses exploring goldnanoparticles from skin models to masscytometry.
Björn Koel Medical Microbiology Understanding the effects of antigenic change on influenza virus fitness.
Famke Schneiders Radiation-Oncology Immunological effects of various SABR fractionation schemes in ES-NSCLC patients (iDOSE trial).
Wouter Ouwekerk Dermatology Personalized treatment decisions based on genetic profile in melanoma patients about to receive immunotherapy.

Laureates AI&I Postdoc grant 2017

Name Department Title research proposal
Michaela Wenzel Bacterial Cell Biology Aiming at the interface – Challenging the Bacterial Cell Envelope with Antibiotics.
Tom Groot Kormelink Experimental Immunology Bridging innate and adaptive immunity: mast cells shape dendritic cell-driven immune responses.
Suzanne Bal Experimental Immunology The role of ILCs in corticosteroid (in)sensitivity.