The 2024 Collaboration grant will be open for submission at June 15.

Please note: the Collaboration grant for 2024 has been revised from the one in 2023


The AI&I Collaboration Grant aims to stimulate new collaborations between AI&I researchers, with at least one research group outside your own department.

Topics can be

  • Pilot experiments and studies to facilitate joint grant applications
  • Increase quality of research by joint knowledge and resources within AI&I
  • Develop new techniques

This may result in a new

  • Collaborative network
  • Collaborative research line
  • External grant proposal

      What can be applied for

      A fixed budget of 20.000 euro (only research consumables/ not for salary costs)

      Target group

      We have two target groups:

      • Postdocs (max. 6 years after PhD defence)*
      • Senior researchers (more than 6 years after PhD defence)

      *Extension may apply in case of parenthood, care leave or illness according to NWO regulations (, please contact before submission if an extension is needed.


      • The proposal concerns a new* collaboration with at least one research group outside your own department *i.e. no joint publications in the last 5 years
      • A researcher may be involved in only one application
      • A proposal can be submitted by maximum three researchers
      • The starting date of the project needs to be before April 2025
      • The applicants need to show how their project strengthens new collaboration within the AI&I research institute

      Important dates

      • Deadline project proposals: 15th September 2024
      • Outcome: November 2024

        Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria

        • Quality of the work plan (40%)
        • How this grant is crucial for the new collaboration (20%)
        • Contribution of each applicant and presence of the right expertise needed for the project (40%)

        Application procedure

        Send the completed application form before September 15th, 2024 to:

        Application form:application form AI&I Collaboration Grant 2024

        Requirements after obtaining the AI&I Collaboration Grant

        • Provide a scientific final report describing how this grant has stimulated a new collaboration and the results of this collaboration. Also suggestions to improve the grant are welcome
        • Provide an overview of expenses of the project within six months after the end date
        • Refer to the All Collaboration Grant in the acknowledgements of any publications resulting from the research performed funded by this grant by adding "This research was supported by a Collaboration Grant of the Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious deseases” to the acknowledgements
        • Refer to Amsterdam institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases when communicating about this grant, e.g. in the (social-) media, or when presenting the data originated from this grant as posters/ oral presentations/ pitches
