The grant amounts available to both our UMCs will be combined, creating a pot of approximately 8-9 million euros that will be divided over the best TKI-research proposals that we will receive from all of you.
Webinar September 30
On September 30 a webinar was hosted by IXA to explain more in detail what the grant is about, what the requirements are and what the timeline and process entails. You can download the presentation of this webinar here.
General information
For those of you who are unfamiliar with TKI grants and PPP-proposals, please click here to download the TKI-PPP flyer in which we explain all abbreviations, the details of the grant procedure, how proposals will be evaluated, and where the money comes from.
Those of you who have a proposal in mind and a private partner to collaborate with are invited to prepare and send in a pre-application using the form and budget sheet below no later than the deadline of November 20. In addition, a Letter of Intent from each private partner is required at this stage (see template below).
The Consortium Agreement (also below) comes in slightly different variants, depending on the number of industrial and/or academic partners. For now we have only attached a 1-on-1 version. Please provide your industrial partner(s) with this draft Consortium Agreement at an early stage, allowing your partner(s) to get acquainted with the conditions that they will need to accept once your joint application is awarded. We look forward to receiving your proposals!
Necessary documents:
1. Pre-application form
2. Budget form
3. Template Consortium agreement
4. Template Letter of Intent
5. General information brochure on TKI Grant